AE插件中文汉化逼真发光特效霓虹灯辉光效果Deep Glow v1.5.0 支持win/mac+视频教程
AE高级插件插件Deep Glow(已中文汉化)用于生成发光效果。它比After Effects自带的光效插件效果更加真实,过度更加的自然漂亮。
即使在非线性色彩空间中工作时,Deep Glow 也能提最棒的发光效果。它具有直观的合成控件,可帮助优化您的发光结果。Deep Glow 还经过 GPU 加速以提高速度,并具有方便的下采样和质量控制功能,还可用于实现颗粒状或风格化的发光效果。
Core Features:
- Physically accurate inverse square based falloff
- GPU acceleration
- 8, 16 and 32bpc compatible
- HDR thresholding
- Thresholding Smoothness (reduces temporal flicker)
- Gamma correction (linear results even when working in non-linear colorspace)
- Compositing controls
- Input masking (alpha and luma) for complete control over glow source
- Glow aspect ratio
- Glow spread
- Chromatic Aberration
- Downsample quality controls
- Blur quality controls
- View controls: glow source or final render
- Unmult (useful for text)
- Tint options and blending modes to add colour to your glow
- Dithering controls to reduce colour-banding artifacts
After Effects CC 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6